ArtLink: Video Conversations with Artists and Art Professionals

Interview with Painter , Nancy Hayes by ArtSpecifier's Joyce Creiger

" Nancy Hayes turns painter after a 25 year career as a ceramic sculpture "

Nancy Hayes worked for more than 25 years as a ceramic sculptor creating objects that defy her medium by pushing the envelope to form sculptures with a sense of freedom and structure intertwined. Her sculptures gained her recognition by curators who included her work in major exhibitions. The quality of her paintings now speak for themselves as she develops her tangled compositions and paints the intricate surfaces to generate unique treasures that resonate the ebb and flow of the human condition.

"Access to the world exists due to the world-wide-web. ArtSpecifer is a portal that allows artists to reach communities around the world, providing artists with the ability to understand people and engage with them in ways that are relevant to both."

The interview describes her process, the how-tos, and whys of her work are revealed during our conversation. Her sculpture and paintings will amaze you as you see the intricacies involved in the development of her work.